Saturday, January 26, 2008

post 01. may this be the end.

well here i am. sitting in carpenter library. with nothing better to do again.

rejection honestly sucks and i hate the word auditions as much as i hate the word interviews. honestly, sometimes i wonder why can't God just show us the path so we can avoid rejection, missteps, wrong turns, wrong decisions, wasted opportunities, wasted efforts, and the hurt from trying and failing.

and it hurts. i am, who am i to kid if i say that i am not upset by the turn of events. it seems as though everytime i try to break free from my circles, i fail. i inevitably fail. there's nothing i can do.

well, i'm honestly not in a good mood now. but. what can i do? honestly, i'll probably regroup, pray earnestly, try at a another chance of rejection and failure(?) lol.. and.. sigh. God grant me comfort please. because it hurts. Sometimes things are just so hard. there's like nothing possible that i can do. but i guess I will continue to trust in You, Lord, trust in your faith and well.. see where it goes i guess.

i'm rambling.